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He was learning for hours for days, he had to learn it fast, but quickly. He didn’t know about the human-like eyes, or the fact that they'd met before, he couldn't tell them apart. He had to learn everything. That's why he watched the news every day and learned about what people were saying. The news were important, he had to learn it, but they said that the newscaster was a vampire. He didn’t know what a vampire was, but he listened to it. News people were humans, they were the same as him. He learned how to stay out of sight in the city. He learned about things he could do if he got hungry, and about the sun and streetlights and how to avoid them. He learned about danger and other things like that. He could do this for days and nights, but his eyes hurt from watching TV for hours at a time everyday. He spent all day watching TV and reading magazines. He wasn't going to have a lot of time to enjoy being outside in the sun. When he was feeling bored, he would use his special gifts to get information. The police officer was very smart, and he spent hours learning how she did her job. He watched the news every day and listened to her tell people about her job. Then later on that night, he'd sneak out into the darkness and learn how the police did their job, then come back and watch it all next day. He learned about what foods were good for you and other things like that. Meat was good for him because it made him grow faster, but he didn't eat very much of it because he got hungry really fast. The doctor wasn't very smart. He knew that the doctor would tell him that he should eat more meat, but it was hard for him to get food. The doctor didn''t know how quick he was going to grow and what a big appetite he had. He learned a lot about newspapers and TV too. Especially newspaper articles about crime in the city. He learned a lot about what to do if someone tried to hurt him because of what he was going through. The doctor told him once that there were people out there who wanted to hurt his kind because of what they were about to learn at the hospital today, but she said it wouldn't happen, just be careful. Sometimes he would sneak out of the hospital and find a window to watch through. He'd see workers from the hospital talking to people or doing things. He was very curious about these people, but he didn't go out yet. They were too big to take on at first, he had to wait until he was big enough, then after that it would be too easy because they wouldn’t expect him to be so strong. Pedoface was the only one who could stop this child without hurting anyone else, because she knew just what she was doing and how to do it. She had a special plan planned where she could save him from these other kids without killing them or letting them hurt anyone else. cfa1e77820